On clicking, the Add-ins features and tools will be displayed on the right side of the screen. In the dialogue box, locate the Add-ins option in the left pane. In the Info Screen, there are several features and tools.

Locate and click on the File Tab to open the Info Screen on the Ribbo n. Open a document that will host your Histogram. Follow these steps to launch and install the tool in your Excel: Initially, the Analysis ToolPak is not launched in your Excel. Here are the steps to follow when using this feature: A] Load the Analysis ToolPak in your Excel It has descriptive tools that help generate and calculate analysis with ease. It is designed to help users perform complex data analysis tasks quickly and easily without having to write complex formulas or programs. The Analysis ToolPak is an Excel add-in that provides advanced data analysis tools for statistical, engineering, and financial analysis. Using Data Format Series Tool to customize Histogram.Method 2: Using the Insert Chart Option.B] Creating Histogram using the Analysis ToolPak.A] Load the Analysis ToolPak in your Excel.Method 1: Using Analysis ToolPak to make a histogram.